Self Protection Mine Plough

Pearson Engineering’s Self Protection Mine Plough enables combat vehicles to rapidly force a passage through a mined obstacle by creating a cleared path for its tracks to follow.
The Pearson Engineering Self Protection Mine Plough, or ‘Track Width Mine Plough’ as it is commonly known, moves concealed or buried mines and improvised explosive devices away from the vehicle’s tracks to create a safe route.
Ground engaging tines are positioned across two track width blades to protect the vehicle’s tracks. Fold out blade extensions to each side of the system ensure that mines are pushed well beyond the width of the cleared tracks.
This self protection plough is designed to support the operations of Main Battle Tanks and other fighting vehicles. As such, it stows compactly when it is not deployed and it carefully avoids interference with the gun sweep when both stowed and deployed, even when the gun is fully depressed.
Hydraulic lift cylinders stow and deploy the plough blades.
View all Minefield Breaching.
Key Features
- Rapidly clears mines and IEDs from the track width of the host vehicle
- Blast resistant and can remain fully operational after a mine detonation
- Low maintenance
- Compatible with other accessories to mark cleared lanes or to interrupt alternatively fused mines
- Palletised to support logistics
- Battle proven with Armed Forces around the world
Find out more about the self protection mine plough
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