VECTOR is a self-protection mine plough designed to provide wheeled, and other lightweight combat vehicles, with the ability to move through minefields to enhance operational tempo, and to deliver freedom of manoeuvre.

We have provided minefield breaching and self-protection mine ploughs to Armed Forces around the world for almost four decades. Our years of research and expertise have been applied to deliver a new mine plough which is compatible with wheeled vehicles.

Ground engaging tines are positioned across two wheel width blades to protect the vehicle. Fold out blade extensions to each side of the system ensure that mines are pushed well beyond the width of the cleared route.

This self-protection plough is designed to support the operations of lightweight wheeled combat vehicles. As such, it stows compactly when it is not deployed.


Key Features

  • Rapidly clears mines and IEDs from the host vehicle’s route
  • Blast resistant and can remain fully operational after a mine detonation
  • Capable in a wide range of soil conditions
  • Low maintenance
  • Compatible with other accessories to mark cleared lanes or to interrupt alternatively fused mines
  • Palletised to support logistics
  • Proven with NATO Forces

Find out more about VECTOR